Once again we created the design without patterns, giving the creative process more time. Which allowed us to get inspired by fabric.
Yesterday we were inspired by handcraft and how you can change and elevate a fabric! This inspiration was still strong today but interpreted in a completely different way. Marina took a fabric whose colour and texture she disliked and elevated it.
Day 19 was focused on distorting the integrity of a fabric to create a whole new look and texture. Today is all about how you can take a fabric and use it in a different way. We were confident with crafting a new fabric as day 18’s blouse had set the groundwork.
The design today looks like a dress, but is intended to be worn as a blouse. It is very feminine due to its mauve colour, fitted nature and the softness of the fabric. Day 19’s blouse is meant to be worn with trousers, to balance out its feminine aesthetic. Marina is unsure about how she feels regarding the design today, it is very feminine for her taste. However, she is sure of the inspiration process and playing with fabrics. The team enjoyed creating a new fabric and the design process today, which is uplifting and inspiring - This makes a lot of work feel like a little!
The blouse is made up of woven distressed strips of fabric. The design team took open edges a step further today, to create a light fluffy texture and feathered edges. This texture makes today's blouse look ethereal, elegant and exquisitely feminine. Day 19’s blouse is soft to the touch, the fabric is light, silken and very gentle in its broken state. One design team member described it as having a heavenly ice-cream texture.
Although Marina is uncertain about the final design today, she is pleased with the process and the way of thinking it took to get there. The project is developing day by day, each design affecting the next. But the inspiration and design process is constantly adapting and changing to create new elevated pieces.
One of our 30days / 30designs slogans is “Tomorrow we will not care about yesterday” - This allows us to free up the design process and create something new everyday.